Morris week 51

Sixth week of game project 1

Monday, December 19th

Monday of the final week! There was a lot to do this week, and time was running short. Our lead programmer had also gone home early for christmas, and wasn't able to work on the project at all for this last week. I spent most of the day working on the rooms, trying to fix the never-ending stream of bugs that we kept finding. Hari and I also presented our progress to our supervisors and showed off the latest build of the game.
I also spent a few hours creating the UI for the team behind the game My Little Magic Shop.

During this entire week, the entire team just worked on finishing whatever had to be done. I have only a vague idea of what each individual person did every day.

Tuesday, December 20th

I spent some time during the tuesday working with the guns, fixing stats and such. I also kept on working with the rooms, fixing them up as they kept breaking. I then quickly made an options menu, which I got fully working without too much hassle. I stayed late creating a menu screen for the player to select their preferred controls.

Wednesday, December 21st

Last day before the Gold presentation! I created and implemented a pause menu that activates from the game screen, from where you can access the options menu, the controls menu, look at credits, quit the game, restart your run or resume the game. The rest of the day was spent trying to (and succeeding at) getting everything and anything that we needed for the game finished.

Thursday, December 22nd

On the thursday, we created our final build and presented the game to the whole school and our supervisors. Everything went smoothly, and we encountered no severe bugs!

Game project one: success.