Burglar week 14

Thrird week of game project 2

Monday, April 3rd

First day of week 3, I started the day off by making some tweaks to the UI test system and started working on expanding the functionality to our needs. I also started working with Felicia to assure the assets I would need were going to work precisely how I wanted and needed them to. Melinda and I also had a meeting where we discussed planning and work distribution, before attending the weekly sprint. We then started planning a number of meetings which we would hold during the comming week.

To the left, books and magazines made by Felicia, followed by the clipboard (which is more of a notebook now) also by Felicia. To the right, a section of the level blockout which Lucas has been working on.

Tuesday, April 4th

Tuesday, Melinda and I sat in a meeting for most of the moring, discussing gameplay design choices. Among other things, we made some decisions about how the doors, locks, lock-picks and keys will work, how the progression will look and the objectives of the game. We looked into the winning and losing conditions and discussed the game's narrative. Further, it was decided during the meeting that we would hold daily playtests of the game, and include the whole group in these as much as possible. Every day starting next week, Melinda and I will play for 15 to 30 minutes each and have the other take notes of our opinions. On all days save mondays, three other team members will play for 15 minutes each, which will mean that each team member has at least 15 minutes of playtesting per week.

Above, nearly finished door and table made by Wille.

Wednesday, April 5th

Wednesday the team was busy making some final preparations for the milestone presentation. I did some playtesting, worked a little on blueprints and spent some time planning for systems implementation.

Modular wall pieces made by Lucas, a large clock and table in the engine made by Wille.

Thursday, April 6th

I was unfortunately sick and so stayed at home on day 14 of the project. The rest of the team kept on working as usual.

The new walls made by lead environment artist Lucas.

Friday, April 7th

National Holiday!