Monday, December 12th
The first day of week five, I spent most of my time creating the main menu, as well as
trying and failing to make a build of the game to show our supervisors. Something in the code
was breaking, causing crashes when we loaded certain levels. Hari and I also held a sprint review
for the teachers in the afternoon, which did not contain a build of the game. The rest of my day
went toward trying to fix whatever was wrong in the code, which I was ulimately unable to do.
Oskar made VFX for bullet trails and bullet impacts, Felicia worked on menu assets, and
Victor and Ellinor made rooms. Anton did some system work, and David started testing the generation.
Hari worked with the voicelines and other sounds.
Tuesday, December 13th
I spent most of the tuesday working on UI, specifically the main menu. I also worked on rooms,
and got the first basic ones spawning with our procedural generation.
Hari worked on voicelines, Felicia made more assets for the menus, and Oskar finished up the gun VFX.
Victor and Ellinor kept working with rooms, Anton implemented some systems. Also, David got generation working!
Wednesday, December 14th
I contracted a nasty cold and had to stay home for the remainder of the week.
The team worked mainly on optimizing, fixing and tweaking existing assets, and trying to
fully implement the generation system.
Thursday, December 15th
Home with a cold.
There was a lot more fixing, tweaking and trying to fix the generator. The final enemy was also implemented.
Friday, December 16th
Home with a cold.
The group started working on the boss room, trying to optimize stuff, and kept fixing all the bugs that showed up.