Monday, November 28th
On monday, my work consisted mainly of management, getting all aspects of the project, and our team up to date. We had some issues
with the design of the tutorial, so I got busy reworking it in preparation for the basic demonstration we wanted to have by Friday.
I then spent some time making flowcharts for gameplay and screen flow to clarify how the game should function logically.
David continued working on the room system, Anton kept doing AI behaviour and André implemented multiple weapon support.
Felicia worked on the final enemy model, Ellinor worked on environments and Victor created two game ready rooms.
Oskar mainly worked on animations, and Hari started writing dialogue for the shopkeeper.
Tuesday, November 29th
I started the day off making room designs for the tutorial part of the game in engine for the artists to fill with assets.
These would be used in the basic demo for Friday. I then quickly got a system for doors working in Unreal blueprints,
so the player can move between rooms.
David kept making progress on coding the rooms and doors while Anton made ranged enemies be able to attack the player.
Ellinor kept working on environments, Victor created two new rooms and Oskar worked on omnidirectional movement for
the player character and created a model for player death. Hari unfortunately contracted another illness, but did some more dialogue work from home.
Wednesday, November 30th
The first thing I worked on was getting the sound system fully set up with reverberations, which took me a while to
figure out. Once I had finished the sound system I got to work finding royalty free sounds for them, and implemented
some basic randomized shooting sounds for all the guns. I then made player footsteps make sounds when they impact the
floor. Some aspects of the HUD were not entirely implemented, such as displaying numbers for health and the like, so I
spent some time getting all of it game ready. We needed a temporary trigger for winning the game ready before the test
on Friday, so I created a simple blueprint for a collision box that the player can enter to win. I then created an
effect that fades the screen to black and back when the player dies and respawns, giving the game a slightly more polished feel.
We also had a slight scare as the artists who had been working on levels had created them in a way that was not planned for,
building outside the footprint boundry that had been supplied. This would be problematic as the rooms would not be able to
tile correctly with eachother. We needed to find a quick and efficient fix for this, so I took the oppertunity to suggest an
addition that I had been pondering for some time. There would be short corridors connecting the rooms to eachother instead of
a door leading straight into the next room. This way we can limit the player's field of view and fade rooms in and out more smoothly.
Victor adjusted the rooms to support corridors, Oscar did animation work, and Ellinor kept working on environment props.
Anton made good progress with the ranged enemy behaviour, as they can now spawn, take damage and die, as well as
moving around the level and attacking the player. David got doors working in the room system, nicely on schedule for the playtest,
and André helped around across the team. Hari sadly had to leave in the morning as he was not well enough to stay in school.
Thursday, December 1st
Thursday was a hectic day. We hoped to have a working packaged game by the end of the day, letting the player traverse
the tutorial portion of the game and fight some enemies in the final room before "winning" the game. I made a script to kill the player
should they fall into traps within the level, as we had a room with such fall traps in the demo. I spent the entire rest of the day
constructing the demo level by placing prefabs that Victor had created previously, fixing small parts where it was needed for gameplay's sake.
The majority of time was consumed by helping the programmers fix bugs that I discovered while testing the demo level. Despite our hard work
and our best efforts, we had to leave for the day without a working demo package.
The team worked hard on completing whatever small aspects needed to be finished or fixed for the demo to work.
Felicia also finished the last enemy model with UVs, as well as finalizing icons for rooms.
David worked with the rooms and doors to fix all the bugs discovered while testing the demo level.
Similarly, Anton worked on the enemies and fixing their behaviour in the demo.
André helped out all around the project with his vast Unreal knowledge.
Friday, December 2nd
Finally the last day of week three! Stress levels were high during the Friday, as we would be presenting our game in the afternoon.
Not only our supervisors and classmates would be in attendence, but also industry professionals, so the pressure was on.
Both the rest of the team and I spent the entire day trying to get a working build with as much content as possible.
We scrambled to get as many features and assets as possible ready, while struggling to fix the bugs discovered anlong the way.
When the time finally came in the afternoon, we did have a working game that we were satisfied with.
Hari and I presented our game and showed off the newst build to everyone in attendence.
Our headmaster Martin made our day when he directed some very kind and encouraging words toward us after our presentation.